
UnSchool of Disruptive Design

"Change is constant": 2025 Updates from Leyla & The UnSchool Team

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Hey Reader,

Ok, so, yeah. Things have really gotten real. We know the world is changing fast, and not necessarily in the direction those of us who care about a progressive and positive future would have hoped for. 2024 was the hottest year on record; wildfires and floods have devastated many parts of the world; gender rights, diversity and equity are all under threat.

Still, 2024 was also the year in which we saw rapid advancements in the circular economy (ISO 59000 for example), mandatory sustainability legislation came into effect in the EU, and historic firsts in gender rights happened like Mexico electing its first female president.

While we’ve been working on effecting change in these arenas for 10+ years, our team has been reflecting on how we can both acknowledge the realities of the present time and maintain an optimistic laser focus on activating change. To start, we are changing how we communicate with our community of creative change-makers.

Introducing Interconnected: a Bi-Monthly Newsletter Focused on Activating Systems Change for Sustainability

Given the latest geopolitical developments impacting social media systems, we have decided to get off Meta-owned platforms and the other one that used to be good but is now a bit of a cesspool. For now, we will keep our profiles online as an archive, but we will no longer be updating or interacting via these mediums…We will stay active on LinkedIn.

With all the new time we will save from not being on so many socials, we’ll be dedicating our energy to creating Interconnected, a bi-monthly email newsletter in which we’ll curate 5 pieces of content on systems change, sustainability action and positive disruptive design.

Mainly text-based and lightweighted by design to reduce the digital eco-footprint, the goal of Interconnected is to deliver content that will help you make change, give you an optimism boost and ensure that we are all forging forward—not getting stuck in the sticky system of hopelessness and despair.

On that note—have you seen and downloaded our free Eco-Anxiety Toolkit? It has loads of practical actions you can take to address climate change and reflect on the complex emotions we go through when pressed with environmental destruction.

How to Keep in Touch

While we will maintain an archive of our posts on FB/IG/X, we won’t be actively updating those platforms. So from now on, if you want to know what we are up to, then you need to be connected on LinkedIn and Medium and be subscribed to Interconnected (you already are subscribed, but please do forward this on to your like-minded friends!).

We would also love to know more about the types of topics you want to know more about:

See you on the 5th Feb for our first email newsletter on climate optimism!

Leyla + UnSchool Team

More ways to get activated 👇

UnSchool of Disruptive Design

Activating sustainability and systems change by design, we share content designed to support the transformation to a sustainable, circular future.

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